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A- Liposuction  B- Abdominal Liposuction and Tightening                                  C- Definition of Muscles (Abdominal Sculpting)
A- liposuction
Liposuction targets the dense fat accumulated over years of gaining excess weight, which is difficult to get rid of through diets or sports, and liposuction in Turkey gives the body an ideal sculpted body, whether for men or women.



When to resort to liposuction:

Excess fat deposits in the body are the main indication for liposuction.

Liposuction areas:

-the arms
-and back

Suitable age for liposuction:

There is no specific age, any patient who suffers from obesity and fatty deposits can do the operation at any age, but the age of 30 to 35 is the best age to do the operation where the skin is in a very good condition that gives him the ability to adapt to the change in fat density without sagging.
As for those under the age of 30, it is recommended to exercise regularly and diet with specialized doctors.


Liposuction procedure:

It usually varies according to the area to be suctioned, but in general, liposuction is performed through specific holes in the place to be suctioned, according to lines representing the density and fatty concentration determined by the surgeon in advance.
Through which the surgeon can insert the vaser device and direct it to the fat directly.


How the vaser works:

The vaser device works to dissolve fat by using directed sound waves that dissolve fat particles and turn them into a liquid that is emulsified outside the body through a liposuction pump.
The surgeon also uses the laser from time to time during the liposuction process because the laser has benefits in reducing bleeding during liposuction and enhancing collagen in the skin cells.
The vaser device is also able to target fat cells only and does not touch the blood vessels, which protects the body from bleeding during the operation.
Later, according to the patient's desire, the fat is filtered, thickened, and pumped back to the buttocks again.

Amount of fat extracted:

According to the international medical examination, the permissible amount of suction is from 5% to 7% of the patient's weight.
It is calculated in liters, and any transgression or liposuction of more than this percentage may endanger the patient's life or death.
Side effects of liposuction.
A drop in the level of blood, salts and protein in the body.
Temporary numbness and lack of sensation in the aspirated area.
The appearance of some temporary minor bruises on the surface of the skin.
Loss of skin elasticity, due to a change in body mass below it. In some rare cases, elastic skin can regain its strength again.
In other cases, it is necessary to follow up with a dermatologist to prescribe the necessary creams and creams. As for chronic cases, we resort to skin tightening as a second procedure in which the excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is sutured, but it leaves a slight scar at the site of surgery.

Complications of liposuction:

Temporary irritation of the nerves.
Fluid accumulation in some cases.
Fatty embolism in some cases.
Infection with lidocaine.
Sometimes symptoms of heart and kidney disease.

Tips after liposuction in Turkey:

The doctor may ask for a complete rest in the hospital for several days.
- Commitment to wear the compression bandage, and not to take it off before the specified period.
Regular follow-up on prescribed medications, especially antibiotics.
Reducing the intake of dairy and fatty foods, and maintaining the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Exercising regularly after a certain date determined by the doctor.








B- liposuction and tightening of the abdomen C- drawing muscles (abdominal sculpting)

Abdominal sagging is a major problem common to both men and women after rapid weight loss through sports, liposuction or repeated pregnancy.

Causes of sagging abdomen

continuous birth
rapid weight loss
hormonal changes

Tips before tummy tuck surgery


● Maintaining a diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals from two to four weeks within the follow-up with your nutritionist.

● Avoid harsh diet.

● Avoid foods that cause constipation and difficulty excreting.

● Complete cessation of smoking for a period of no less than a month and a half, as it leads to a doubling of pain, and a weakening of the recovery phase.

● Do not use herbal medicines, as well as stop taking aspirin, as they contribute to blood flow.

Abdominoplasty operation

The tummy tuck operation in Turkey comes with the Orik medical surgical team to provide you with the ideal solution.

In the process of tummy tuck, the excess or sagging skin is removed and the skin is more straight and smooth, and the process may be accompanied by liposuction or muscle tightening, as some patients may suffer from sagging in the muscular wall tissue, which needs to include the abdominal muscles and tighten them.

Abdominoplasty operations are divided according to the location and amount of loose skin.


Types of tummy tuck operations in Turkey:

total tummy tuck

Through a transverse wound in the bikini area, from the right thigh bone to the left, for cases that suffer from significant sagging in the abdominal area. It also includes moving the navel to another place that fits the shape of the new abdomen.

partial tummy tuck

A relatively smaller incision is made below the navel and at the beginning of the bikini line, especially for cases with little sagging.

Extended tummy tuck

A width dose is opened from the right side of the abdomen at the bikini line, and it is a special method for those whose sagging extends to the side of the body.

belt tummy tuck

It is mainly concerned with those who suffer from flabbiness in the abdomen, sides and back, in which a 360-degree circular incision is made on the bikini line.

reverse tummy tuck

A rare operation due to the rarity of its condition, where the sagging is above the navel and the wound is below the chest area.

Inverse T abdominoplasty

A rare operation for advanced cases in which the surgeon has to make two longitudinal and transverse cuts in the form of an inverted T.

