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Eyelid surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, and it is done by lifting and tightening sagging eyelids by removing skin, accumulated fat and tissues as a result of functional laziness or genetic factors.
One of the reasons for the procedure of eyelid tightening and beautification is the signs of aging, drooping and sagging eyelids, the large number of wrinkles that surround the eyes, because the eyelids muscle is no longer able to do its job to the fullest, and one of the annoying things resulting from this is poor vision, staring and pouring focus to be able to Correct vision, as well as the appearance of aging caused by sagging eyelids, and many aspire to maintain a more youthful appearance.
An upper eyelid lift and a lower eyelid lift can be performed, which is a very easy procedure and can be surgically performed with a single stitch. The eyelid lift is not only cosmetic but also organic to improve vision.
The types of eyelid tightening and plastic surgery differ according to the patient’s structure. There are many patients who are not fit to undergo a surgical eyelid lift. These are known as lined eyelid owners, and their treatment is with Botox or by injecting self-fat.
The process of tightening and beautifying the eyelids helps to widen the eyes and get rid of the sagging around the eyes and improve the appearance of the face in general.
An upper eyelid lift is done by removing excess fat and sagging skin to get rid of puffiness around the eyes for a more youthful appearance.

Eyelid Lift