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Butt Lift



The buttocks sag for many reasons, the most important of which are genetic factors, rapid weight loss, sagging skin, excess fat, loss of skin elasticity with age, and hormonal changes in the woman.

The main objective of this operation is to tighten the skin of the buttocks and thighs only, however, depending on the situation; the surgeon may need to perform a simple circular liposuction in all directions, and a complete liposuction between the thighs.

 In this kind of operations, the simple cases require transverse incisions, while the advanced cases require a long T-shaped incision of the inner thigh. 

Types of thigh lift surgery:

- Inner thigh lift.

- Outer thigh lift.

- Mini thigh lift.

- Vertical thigh lift.


  1-Inner thigh lift:

This is the most commonly requested operation. It is performed to treat sagging between the thighs by making an incision from the top of the thigh towards the knee or towards the back of the thigh area.


2- Outer thigh lift:

   It is an operation that is performed to treat external sagging of the thighs through an incision that reaches the lower back and hip.


3- Mini thigh lift:

This operation is done by tightening only the upper part of the thighs, and making fewer incisions than in other types of thigh lift.


4- Vertical thigh lift:

It is a special operation for advanced cases of sagging buttocks but its disadvantage is that it leaves a longitudinal T-shaped scar on the side of the inner thigh, and for this reason, this operation is considered a last option and is generally not recommended.


Complications of a buttock lift

- Scars do not heal due to frequent friction when moving.

- Swelling of the legs.

- Permanent scars: The location and size of the scar varies depending on the technique used. However, buttock lift surgery usually leaves a visible scar.

- Change in skin texture.

- Blood clots.

- Accumulation of fluids in the buttocks, especially when standing for a long time.

- Inconsistency and asymmetry in the shape of the thighs.

:   Butt lift procedure steps

1- First of all, all the necessary preliminary examinations must be carried out, the most important of which are the screening tests for hepatitis C and HIV.

2- The surgeon draws lines that indicate to him the places to cut out of the skin, and the fats to suck up in case there is recourse.

 3- General anesthesia.

   4- The skin is incised then the excess skin is cut according to the previously defined lines.

   5- The remaining skin tissue is joined and sutured.


Vertical stretch scar:

How to get rid of a butt lift scar:

OREC Medical surgeons usually try to camouflage the scars from the buttock lift operation, so that they do not leave any visible marks, something that can cause a feeling of disappointment and lack of confidence in the patient.


However, several tricks have recently spread to hide scars, including:

-Silicone injection.

 . -The creams, which are carefully selected with the follow-up of a dermatologist

-Tattoos, but not recommended.

. -Tattoo of the same skin color


Buttock Lift