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Gynecomastia in men is one of the most common problems in adults, as the percentage of men affected by this disease is between 50% and 60%, according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

It is a distinct prominence in the size of a man's chest compared to the normal level.


Types of gynecomastia:

-Real gynecomastia.

-False gynecomastia.


Real gynecomastia

It is usually due to a defect in the functions of male hormones that help preserve the natural size of a man's breasts. This defect leads to the enlargement of the mammary gland, so that its prominence appears clearly under the skin, which results in the appearance of breasts similar to those of women.


False gynecomastia

Also called pseudo-gynecomastia, it results from the accumulation of excess fat around the mammary gland, when the gland itself is of normal size.


At OREC Medical, our Turkish doctors accurately diagnose your condition, whether it is true or false gynecomastia, to develop a treatment plan, whether pharmacological or surgical.

 The treatment process for gynecomastia in Turkey varies according to each case; it can involve several different surgical techniques, including:

  Complete removal of the mammary gland.

   Breast liposuction only.

  The removal of the mammary gland and liposuction at the same time.

  Breast skin tightening for cases that suffered from sagging.


Tips before Gynecomastia Surgery: 

-Abstain from smoking as it doubles the pain of the operation and prolongs the recovery period.

-Avoid blood thinners.

 -Abstain from eating for at least six hours.


Possible Risks of Gynecomastia Surgery:

Swelling and bruising on during the operation. .

Healing difficulties.

Skin discoloration.

Catch an infection due to lack of hygiene.

Tumor and hematoma.

A blood clot and deep vein thrombosis.

Breast asymmetry after the operation.

The results appear within ten days after the gynecomastia operation, and the scars disappear within six months, and it is recommended to follow a sports and nutritional diet, since in some cases weight gain is the cause of the return of the breast to its former size.







Gynecomastia for Men