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Oral health is the symbol of self-confidence, because the nicer and brighter the smile, the more there is no need to hide it, especially in daily social and professional life. Strong teeth allow the person to enjoy delicious food without suffering from chronic pain, which can sometimes reach unbearable levels.

Teeth are generally easy to maintain, but several practices can cause unconscious damage, the most important of which are:

  -Failure to adhere to a daily habit of brushing teeth, which leads to rotting food residue inside the mouth, and bacteria interacting with the teeth, which inevitably leads to tooth decay later on.

  -Smoking heavily, as accumulation of nicotine and tar in the teeth accelerates their damage and gives the mouth a very unpleasant smell.

Accidents and traumas caused by the breaking or loss of one or more teeth .

-Tooth discoloration 

- Non-compliance with previous dental treatments

- Drink plenty of tea and coffee

And many other reasons.

Cosmetic dentistry consists of using several basic techniques, either we only use bleaching or we use polishing of the teeth to obtain a white color. 

In case of misalignment or deviation of the teeth, the doctor usually calls for orthodontics.

In other cases, available materials such as porcelain, zircon and others are used in the manufacture of dental crowns or veneers to be able to have perfect teeth such as the teeth of celebrities.

Types of cosmetic dental procedures:


Teeth whitening and polishing.

Hollywood smiles.

Dental implants.

Implantation of complete dentures.


What are the candidate cases for cosmetic dentistry

  •  Case of loss of or breakage of teeth
  • Blackening of the teeth
  • Cases of people wishing to improve the appearance of their teeth to achieve perfection.

    Irregular shape and arrangement of teeth.

Types of orthodontics:

 1- Ordinary or metal orthodontics

   It is the most effective, and the cheapest and easiest to clean to prevent cavities under the teeth, but its appearance is not appreciated by many people.


2- Internal orthodontics

This type of orthodontics offers the same effectiveness as ordinary orthodontics, but as it is placed on the inner wall of the teeth, it is therefore more difficult to clean, and more likely to fall out due to the different protrusions on the inner surface of the teeth.

It is more expensive than regular orthodontics.




3- Ceramic orthodontics:

Similar to regular orthodontics, except that it is transparent or the same color of the teeth, which offers the advantage of keeping it invisible, and its cost is high due to the advantage of its transparency.

4-Transparent orthodontics:

It is a transparent layer that is installed on the teeth and which is replaced every two weeks according to the evolution of the shape and arrangement of the teeth. This type of orthodontics is distinguished by its transparency, ease of disassembly, and ease of cleaning. 


 What are the candidate cases for cosmetic dentistry?

.  Case of tooth loss

Discoloration of teeth, (yellowing or blackening).

  . Teeth that contain cavities that cause food to accumulate

Cases of people wishing to improve the appearance of teeth to achieve perfection.

. Tooth deviation

 The Hollywood Smile 

The Hollywood smile or celebrity smile mainly consists of putting porcelain veneers on the teeth, which makes them look perfect, similar to the teeth of Hollywood celebrities.

Veneer types vary, it can be laminated veneer, or zircon.

 Types of dental implants in Turkey:

The types of dental implants vary depending on the period required for dental implants, and are:


1- Ordinary dental implants

This implant consists of implanting tooth roots in the bone tissue under the gums, it takes about 4 months for the platinum root to integrate into the bone tissue. Once this period has elapsed, the crown of the tooth is installed .

2- Instant dental implants :

During which the tooth is implanted in one or two successive sessions, and where the root of the tooth is implanted in the jawbone itself and not in the bone tissue under the gum line. This type of implant is suitable for patients in a hurry.


3- Permanent jaw implants:

This type of implant is suitable for those who suffer from erosion of the gums and the bone tissue below, due to the loss of teeth for a long period or aging, and it allows the implantation of approximately 13 to 14 teeth without having to move the entire prosthesis.

     4or 6 roots are implanted directly into the jaw bones, depending on the situation in which the prosthesis is installed.

 The risks of dental orthodontics:

Cosmetic dentistry is a shared responsibility between patient and treating physician, and risks vary by case and type of cosmetic surgery .

The Hollywood smile involves removing all the tooth enamel in order to install zirconium veneers, which doubles the patient's responsibility in the care of the teeth.

  Additionally, dental implants require drilling into either bone tissue or the jawbone. This can lead to fracture of the bones in very rare cases, or deformity of the sinuses during the implantation of the upper jaw of the teeth.

And sometimes an infection can occur in the gums in the form of a tumor and cause fever. The attending physician must therefore be chosen very carefully, and this is what OREC MEDICAL takes care to do.  

Dental Aesthetics