Body Mass Index Calculator

Type :
age :
Height (cm) :
Weight (kg) :
Normal weight
Obesity Grade 1
Obesity Grade 2
Obesity Grade 3
  • Underweight : BMI < 18.5
  • Normal weight : BMI between 18.5 - 24.9
  • Overweight : BMI between 25 - 29.9
  • Obesity Grade 1 : BMI between 30 - 34.9
  • Obesity Grade 2 : BMI between 35 - 39.9
  • Obesity Grade 3 : BMI > 40

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Excessive obesity or obesity disease Many people suffer from this disease for several reasons, the most important of which are:

The result of binge eating and eating in large quantities without concern for weight gain.

As a result of hormonal problems in the body

Triglycerides in the blood

As a result of these reasons, the body fat percentage rises higher than the body mass index, which is a mathematical calculation formula to identify the ideal weight that a person should have in proportion to his gender and height.

This calculation applies to both sexes, with the exception of children under fifteen and pregnant women.

Symptoms of obesity:

Difficulty breathing during sleep or snoring

sugar level disorder

recurring heart problems

Getting rid of obesity is very important because it causes heart diseases and blood fats. After calculating the body mass index, the person knows the percentage of excess fat in the body. Here, he must consult a medical advisor to guide him to the ideal appropriate way for his condition to get rid of the accumulated fat in the body.

You can consult an OEC Clinic medical advisor via WhatsApp for free.

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