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Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Turkey receives thousands of people who require rhinoplasty every year, due to the country's therapeutic advantages and the good reputation of Turkish surgeons. The main purpose of rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey is to obtain a new shape of the nose at reduced prices compared to the costs of operations in Europe and everywhere else with the same quality guarantee and the same procedures and results.


Why Choose Turkey for a Rhinoplasty?

The reasons for the operation vary depending on the case of the patient:

- Genetic Causes:

The shape of the nose in this case is inconvenient due to the size of the bones or cartilage or even the thickness of the skin of the nose, the nose may be too large or very small, all of which are the reasons that the nose is unsuitable for the shape of the face as a whole.

-Breathing Difficulty:

It is caused either by obstruction of the airway due to a fracture, or by the size of one of the parts of nasal cavity, which obstructs the airway.

-Prominent and conspicuous bones present.

-Nasofrontal angle changes.

-Straightening of the nasal passages.

-Reshaping of the tip (the apex of the nose).

-Narrowing of the nostrils.

-In case the tip of the nose (The apex of the nose) or the nose itself is drooping:

In these cases, rhinoplasty is an option for obtaining a better shape of the nose and a better appearance of the face.


Rhinoplasty Surgery Includes the Following Steps:

You first need to meet with your surgeon to determine your reasons for performing rhinoplasty and what you hope to accomplish by having this procedure.


Your surgeon will perform a physical test, carefully testing the skin inside and outside your nose to determine the type of changes that can be made. 

Your surgeon may require blood and other laboratory tests.


Your surgeon will also decide if an additional surgical procedure needs to be done at the same time. For example, some people also obtain a procedure to better define their chin together with rhinoplasty.


This consultation also includes photographs of your nose from different angles. These photos will be used to assess the long-term results of the surgery and may be viewed during the procedure.


Your doctor will use local or general anesthesia. If rhinoplasty is a simple procedure, you will receive local anesthesia of your nose, which will also numb your face. You may also receive medication intravenously.


Once you become anesthetized, your surgeon will make cuts between or inside your nostrils. He will separate the skin from your cartilage or bone and then begin remodeling. If your new nose needs a small amount of extra cartilage, your doctor may remove some of it from your ear or deep inside your nose. If more is needed, you might get an implant or a bone graft. Bone grafting is an extra bone that is added to your nose bone.

The procedure usually takes between one and two hours. If the surgery is complex, it may take longer.

Endonasal (Close) Rhinoplasty in Turkey:

In the closed rhinoplasty approach, also called endonasal rhinoplasty, the doctor inserts tools into the nostril that allow him/her to control the cartilage by touch and without vision, without making a wound or an incision in the nose.

This operation is suitable for simple cases and the recovery period after the operation is faster, but it does not allow the surgeon to completely change the shape of the nose.


External (Open) Rhinoplasty in Turkey:

Unlike closed rhinoplasty, the open or external rhinoplasty approach uses a small bridge incision, called a trans-columellar incision, to connect the right and left nostril incisions. In exchange for this 4-5 mm visible segment, the nasal skin can be folded upwards (like opening a car hood).

It is an operation under full anesthesia, and it is the most appropriate technique for complex cases, in which the surgeon can control the size of the components of the nose, including the bones, cartilages and sides. During this operation an incision is made at the bottom of the skin of the nose and at the top of the skin of the mustache area, the nose is then lifted to expose its internal components and start the reshaping process.


This Procedure Facilitates the Following Operations:

Reducing the over-projected nasal tip.

Nasal tip lifting.


Complete rhinoplasty.

Airway adjustment.

Humpback nose.

Saddle nose.


At the end, the surgeon begins to suture the incision of the nose and fill the nose with silicone to maintain the results of the operation for 4 days or more, depending on the case.

The operation lasts from 1 to 4 hours depending on the case and the final results appear within 3 months to a year.


Rhinoplasty without Surgery in Turkey:

In simple cases, the doctor can dispense with the need for surgery by adjusting the level of the height of the skin by injecting filler into certain places of the nose. However, this solution is not definitive and must possibly be renewed every two years at least.

In case the skin of the nose is thick, the surgeon injects a substance into it that contributes to the atrophy of the flesh under the skin, thereby reducing the size of the nose, or semi-surgical procedures are done to remove the flesh from the tip of the nose.


Laser Rhinoplasty in Turkey:

Despite the development of medical uses of the laser, it does not play an actual role in reducing the nose, but rather it is used during surgery to treat bruising and subsequent swelling, and it also helps the surgeon to reduce bleeding during the operation.