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What is a vaser

Getting the perfect body is not an easy thing, and it is the talk of many people, especially women, and this requires a lot of effort and time in sports clubs, but many people go to liposuction to reach the body they want in the fastest time without wasting much time for their desire to appear. in perfect shape.
Therefore, the process of liposuction of the accumulated fat in certain areas of the body that eliminates the shape and agility of the body is what bothers women and men the most. The ideal way to get rid of annoying fat is suctioning it through a vaser device, which is an advanced device that gives quick and ideal results, unlike liposuction methods. Conventional surgery has its advantages.
How the vaser works
After determining the places where the annoying fat collects by the attending physician, if they are in:

1- belly
2- the rear
3- The features
4- Buttocks
5- noon
6- neck
7- lower jaw
The patient is anesthetized with local anesthesia in the place identified for the liposuction procedure, then a small hole is made in the skin, through which the doctor can insert a thin tube (cannula) connected to the vaser device
Ultrasound waves are transmitted that analyze fat and dissolve it with the help of a sterile liquid that is pumped through the device and helps break down fat, then the fat that has become liquid is suctioned by the same cannula that was inserted.
These suctioned fats are stored in specialized sterile ampoules, which the doctor can re-pump into the same body that got rid of it, for example, in the buttocks or the chest, to reach an ideal body.
Therefore, the Vaser device is considered a revolution in the world of localized liposuction, which achieves body sculpting and body coordination, as fast results can be observed immediately after the surgical procedure is completed, without causing annoying surgical scars on the skin.
Advantages of liposuction with a vaser device
The duration of the medical procedure in liposuction through the vaser device does not exceed 40 minutes
The speed of recovery and return to the daily routine within a very short period of time, not exceeding 3-5 days.
- The patient does not feel pain after the session, unlike surgical liposuction procedures.
The speed of obtaining the required results immediately after the operation.
- Through the Vaser device, the muscles of the body can be sculpted and shown as the stomach muscles (SIX PACK).

What cases does the doctor who treats liposuction spray with the Vaser device?
- People who suffer from the accumulation of fat in certain areas and obesity does not exceed 30% of the normal weight and can never be used for obese people.
- People who have suffered a lot from sports clubs and were unable to get rid of annoying fats in certain places of the body, such as neck fat, for example, and fat below the jaw, which is difficult to get rid of with satisfactory exercises, and the reason for its formation is due to genetic factors or due to fat agglomeration.
- Who has healthy and not flabby muscles in the areas that will be challenged for liposuction
- Who has healthy and not flabby skin in the liposuction area, because in this case, it requires skin tightening with liposuction.
Doctor's advice after liposuction
- Many people think after liposuction to return to the excessive eating pattern that they used to and which caused them to accumulate fat, but they should follow a healthy diet (and this does not mean a diet) and exercise to maintain the results of the operation.
- Wearing a compression belt after liposuction to help shrink the skin in its new position and to stay away from hard exercise for two weeks.
Drink enough water to prevent dehydration and not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Exercising and physical activity on a regular basis helps maintain a new shape.
All of these tips are aimed at maintaining the results of the operation and the perfect texture that was obtained.