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Complications of Obesity

Complications of Obesity


Obesity is a common problem around the world. Although not all types of obesity are the same. There are 6 types of fat that each have distinct causes, side effects and treatments.

If we define obesity scientifically, we should determine it based on BMI (body mass index). Body mass index can determine your normal weight based on your weight and height.


Types of Obesity:

1 - Most common type of obesity:

This type of obesity is due to bad habits with abuse of sugar and food.


2- Obesity due to stress:

This type of obesity is caused by stress, depression and other problems. Most of the time, people who eat too many sweets are affected by this type of fat. The best method to overcome this type of obesity is to control stress and anxiety. It is better that you find a physical activity to evacuate your stress and your nervousness.


3- Gluten Obesity:

This type of obesity usually occurs in women who are thinking about menopause and in men who have hormonal imbalances. The best method to overcome this type of overweight is to avoid immobility, prolonged sitting, smoking and alcohol consumption.


4- Metabolic obesity:

People who gain weight and whose belly only grows fall into this category. It is a dangerous kind of obesity as it can affect other organs and cause respiratory problems. Overweight people should avoid drinking alcohol.





5- Venous obesity:

This type of obesity is usually hereditary obesity and occurs mainly during pregnancy and people who have swollen legs. Treatment consists of exercises such as walking, climbing stairs and drinking plenty of water.


6- Obesity due to immobility:

This obesity usually affects parts of the body that have had a lot of activity in the past. The best method to eliminate these fat stores is to prevent your body from staying hungry for a long time, because the higher your body metabolism increases, the faster your fat will be removed.


Complications of Being Overweight:

1) Non-insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetes of obesity.


2) Metabolic diseases.


3) High blood pressure linked to obesity.


4) Cardiovascular diseases.


5) Intracranial hypertension induced by obesity.


6) Cancers associated with hormonal or digestive dysfunctions.


7) Infertility and complications during pregnancy associated with overweight.


8) Diseases and joint problems.


9) Respiratory problems induced by obesity.


10) Urinary incontinence associated with overweight.


11) High cholesterol.


12) Osteoarthritis.


13) Poor wound healing or other skin problems.


14) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


15) Erectile dysfunction.


16) Polycystic ovary syndrome.


17) Irregular Menstruation.


18) Depression.