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Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental Implants in Turkey:

Dental implants in Turkey are today among the most common and effective solutions for the treatment of missing teeth in order to achieve satisfactory dentition.

Recently, Turkey has made a lot of progress in the field of dental aesthetics, thanks to its professional medical staff, high-quality techniques and equipment, and advantages in medical tourism.

The main purpose of the operation is to implant an artificial platinum root in the jawbone, which can hold the crown of the artificial tooth in the absence of any other support from a nearby tooth.

Dental implants do not represent a danger or risk for the patient; the success rates of these types of interventions have reached 95% to 100% worldwide.

OREC Clinic offers you all the logistical services you may need, including your reception at the airport, accommodation, transport, and translation to ensure you effective communication with your doctor.


Dental Implant Techniques in Turkey:

 - Conventional Implant (Two-Piece):

In which the tissue of the tooth-bearing bones or the spongy tissue (inner part of the bone, which as its name suggests, resembles a sponge) is incised and the platinum implant is installed inside the spongy tissue, the platinum implant is characterized by its roughness, which reinforces its stability.


 - Immediate implant (Teeth in a day):

In which the spongy tissue of the bone is bypassed and the implant is fixed in the cortical tissue also called the basal part, which is the most mineralized and hardest part. Multiple immediate implants must be attached together to bridge between them, and the surface of the implant must be smooth to successfully bypass the spongy tissue.


What is the Reason for the use of Platinum in Dental Implants in Turkey?

Platinum is used as an alloying agent for a variety of dentures; in addition, platinum is often added to improve porcelain fused to metal alloys.

Platinum has special qualities that give it priority in its use in dental implants in Istanbul, especially because it has an enhanced hardness that allows it to withstand the weight of the crown and the force of chewing over the days. In addition, a built-in metal does not cause any infection inside the bone or the gums. Bone cells stick to platinum, giving it greater stability in the jawbones.


Steps of placing dental implants in Turkey:

-Stages of the Conventional Implant (Two-Piece):

During the first visit, the doctor examines the patient's condition and often uses the necessary CT scans and dental scans, to identify the bone and determine the nerve endings of the lower jaw and the sinuses of the upper jaw, because this determines the depth of drilling necessary without causing any harm to the other functions of the jaw since excessive drilling causes chronic and difficult problems for the patient.

The old tooth is then extracted and the gums are given a recovery period.

During the second visit, the gums are incised down to the bone, using a special medical drill, after that the platinum root implant is placed, then the gums are sutured

Then the patient must wait for a sufficient recovery period of up to 3 months to allow the cancellous bone cells to heal and adapt with the platinum and to allow better stability for the new root.

Finally, during the last step, the crown is fıxed.


- Stages of The Immediate implant (Teeth in a day):

The doctor first examines the patient's teeth using x-rays to assess their condition and determine their characteristics, as well as the required characteristics of the teeth to be implanted.

The doctor performs a simple drilling in the gum without having to incise it completely.

The implant goes beyond the cancellous layer to the solid bone layer.

With access to solid bone, the required stability is ensured and the doctor can install the crown in the same session.

Post-operative Instructions for the Placement of Dental Implants:

- Apply cooling supports to the outside of the mouth.

- Avoid hot foods and hot drinks

- Avoid chewing anything hard

- Take prescribed medications as recommended.

- Only gently brush the area around the implant.

- During the healing period, you should eat soft foods that are easy to chew and avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.