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Tummy Tuck surgery in Turkey

Liposuction in Turkey is the best solution for the accumulated fat that is intractable to diets and exercise, but the process has certain conditions, such as the patient being at least 30% above the ideal weight.

Turkey is considered one of the best medical tourism destinations, as it has expertise and medical competence that compete with all European countries at much cheaper prices, and enables patients to combine the distinctive therapeutic experience with a beautiful tourist vacation.

We at Orec Clinic are pleased to accompany you on your journey to get rid of excess weight during liposuction in Turkey.

Cases that are suitable for the operation:

obesity .
Objective obesity as abdominal obesity.
The body does not respond to diets and exercise.
Those with medical contraindications to lose weight.
Gynecomastia for men.


Procedures before liposuction in Turkey:


Smoking should be abstained due to the effect of smoking on operations.


Liposuction in Turkey:

The main objective of the operation is to sculpt the body and obtain a more perfect appearance and facilitate health care, especially as it is the best solution to avoid the problems and complications of obesity that the patient may suffer in the future, such as heart disease, for example.

Before the operation, the most important pre-operative tests are performed that tell the doctor about the body type, fat thickness and skin elasticity, in addition to blood tests, blood pressure, diabetes and immunity.

The doctor examines the condition and plans the areas from which liposuction will be carried out and the levels it will reach, and the liposuction technique that will be used is determined, and then moves to the stage of general anesthesia.

The process consists in dissolving fat and suctioning it with a pump outside the body, where a predetermined incision is made by the doctor and through it he inserts a needle that enables him to dissolve fat and fatty tissue and suction it at the same time.

And then cut the excess skin from the abdomen and reshape the body, and in cases the navel is returned to its place and the relaxed muscles are tightened.

After the completion of the operation, the desired ideal shape is not reached directly unless the patient follows a specific diet and a sports program followed by specialists.

The operation lasts from 3 to 8 hours, depending on the case, and targets the accumulated fat in the areas of the abdomen, buttocks, buttocks, arms and breasts in men and women.

Liposuction techniques in Turkey:


Traditional liposuction:

It is one of the first liposuction techniques and it is used for areas where advanced liposuction with laser or vaser is difficult.

Laser liposuction in Turkey:

It is used to facilitate fat emulsification and suction outside the body in a semi-liquid form.

It also contributes to reducing bleeding and stimulating collagen to tighten and smooth the skin so that the skin does not sag after the operation.

Vaser liposuction in Turkey:

Vaser liposuction provides work on suctioning specific cells without other nearby cells.

The difference between laser and vaser:

Technically, laser was used first during liposuction operations in Turkey, so Vaser is the latest technology that avoids the problems that laser may cause.

The laser works by using focused light beams to break up the fat directly in one stage, but it may expose the patient to burns to the muscle or skin tissue, and it is not effective in the small small areas where fat has accumulated, especially muscle lines.


As for the vaser, it works in two stages, the first of which is the stage of dissolving the fat and converting it to a liquid state by exposing the fat to ultrasound, then liposuction is performed. Vaser is ideal in delicate areas, especially to clarify muscles or flank lines.

Vaser also enables us to reuse the pure fat and inject it later in other places of the body, such as the buttocks and buttocks.

It should be noted that the use of vaser or laser is a decision that the doctor prefers to determine and not a decision for the patient or the patient according to their own vision in order to preserve your health and safety, but even according to the situation, the doctor may prefer to use the two techniques in specific areas without the other.


Procedures after liposuction in Turkey:

Rest for follow-up in the hospital for at least one day.
Complete rest at home or hotel for two days or more, according to the doctor's instructions.
Obligation to wear the required braces.
No exposure to sunlight.
Avoid itching.
Stop smoking for at least two months to avoid stroke.
Avoid blood-thinning medications to avoid internal bleeding.
Stop all physical efforts and not carry any weight.
Refrain from any creams or lotions in the place of the operation.
Follow the appropriate diet.
Drink more water.
Continue regular sports after the condition improves.
Strict adherence to treatments and medications.

Adherence to the post-operative procedures helps to obtain the desired result within 6 months, during which our team at the Orec Clinic takes care of the periodic follow-up with you after the operation to find out everything new, and communicate all your inquiries to the treating doctor.