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penis enlargement in turkey

The most problem that may concern any man is the small size of the penis. In most cultures, the length and strength of the penis is a symbol of virility and strength, although sexual relations are not subject to the size of the penis as much as they are subject to other factors to give a sense of satiety and pleasure, such as:

Introductions to the relationship by and embrace.
The duration of intimacy.
Mutual speech between spouses.
The rate of doing the relationship weekly or monthly.
Adaptation of the wife and getting used to the size of her husband.
Proper nutrition .
New ideas in a relationship.
The absence of psychological pressure on both sides of the burdens of life.
The absence of children in the vicinity of the marital bed.
A woman's sense of pleasure lies in increasing pressure on the vaginal wall, not in length.

And we should know that the different races of males are characterized by different lengths due to genetic factors, and the length at the age of puberty is 5 cm, and at the age of majority, i.e. 20 years, it reaches 12 cm. However, many complain that the size of the penis in terms of thickness and length is not It is enough, and that is why global standards have been developed to know the length of the penis and categorize it at the world level, which are the lengths of the erection or the maximum length when the penis is stretched.

Less than 7 cm, very short
From 7 cm to 10 cm, short
From 12 cm to 15 cm, medium
From 15 cm to 20 cm, long
Longer than 20 cm, very long


Reasons for a small penis size:

Genetic reasons. Uncles or uncles may have short members.
A defect in the glands secretion of the male hormone testosterone for those who are less than 7 cm.
Hypogonadism due to a defect in the brain.

As we can see, most of them are purely medical reasons and are not due to desire or thought of the small size of the case.


Are there any penis enlargement creams?

No, the penis is an organ like any organ in the body that contains tissues made by the body at the age of puberty and adulthood, and the body cannot be stimulated to increase cells and tissues inside the penis.


Penis enlargement without surgery in Turkey

Male augmentation without surgery in Turkey depends on the injection of certain substances under the skin of the penis, such as:


Autologous fat injection for penis enlargement:

After locally anesthetizing the penis and pubic area, fat is extracted from the pubic area, treated, ie filtered from water and impurities, and then pumped again under the skin of the penis, which contributes to increasing its width.

The advantages of penis enlargement with fat are that the fat is from the body itself, and there will not be any negative reaction from the body towards it.

The disadvantages are that with time, in some cases, these fats may become deposited, giving an uneven, uneven shape to the penis.


Filler injections for penis enlargement:

Gives the size of the thickness and greater width of the penis.

The advantages of penis enlargement with filler injections are the penis gaining a large transverse size in record time, and its presence lasts from 6 months to a year.

Its disadvantages are that the filler is a natural substance that is absorbed by the body, so the penis returns to its previous size, in addition to shrinking and sagging of the skin of the penis, which gives an undesirable shape again, and the shrinkage rate increases with the increase in the number of injection sessions.

However, some doctors or non-specialists may use poor types of fillers, or they do not find that the fillers are distributed equally between all sides of the penis, which gives a wave or pyramidal shape of the penis that is not beautiful.

In addition, many have dared to inject the filler into the head of the penis, which is basically full and it is not allowed to add density to it except within very narrow limits, and this may cause gangrene in the head of the penis, and gangrene is aware of cutting the affected areas.


Hyaluronic acid injections for penis enlargement:

Hyaluronic acid is a liquid acid that is pumped under the skin, and with time it absorbs fluids and turns into a more solid state, so it acts as a filler with the aim of enlarging the penis width by about 4 cm to 6 cm.



Penis enlargement surgery in Turkey:

The penis enlargement operation in Turkey is a delicate surgery performed under the influence of general anaesthesia.

The surgery enables us to add approximately 3 cm: 4 cm to the length of the penis, and the fat is suctioned from the pubic area and pumped into the penis so that the increase in length is parallel to the increase in width.

The operation lasts for an hour and a half to two hours, and the patient needs to rest in the hospital and stay under observation for a day or three, according to the vision and assessment of the treating doctor, and rest from work today is about a week to 10 days.


The penis consists of several organs and tissues, the most important of which is the cavernous tissue, which represents the size of the inner penis. The goal of the operation is to liberate and diameter this connection by 80%, which gives an additional 3 to 4 cm for the length of the penis, but on the other hand, the penis when erected is free to move and is not controlled to look up as the previous era and this remains the same The only negative of the operation next to the usual complications such as an increase in temperature, infections or swelling for which the doctor prescribes certain medications to stop it. And it remains that in the end it represents a strong psychological support for the man to restore his confidence in himself and get better sexual pleasure.