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Arm Lift in Turkey

Arm lift surgery or brachioplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the back part of the arm, from arm to elbow. It is also known as an arm lift, which involves removing additional skin and tissue. When people become overweight, their skin stretches slowly over time, so If you lose a lot of weight, your skin may not have enough elasticity to recover. This can lead to additional skin folds, and these will probably be under your arm and chin, as well as on your thighs and lower abdomen. These changes may occur after much weight loss through bariatric surgery. Brachioplasty is a type of body contouring surgery and this type of surgery is often performed following weight loss surgery. Most people who have gone through weight loss surgery are interested in surgery that reshapes the body. Surgeons often perform brachioplasty along with other surgeries. These may include the contour of the body around the midsection, under the chin, or along the inner thighs. During this surgery, a cosmetic surgeon removes areas of extra tissue from under the arm. The surgeon will make an incision on the inside or back of your arm and this will remove the extra folds of skin and fat. The surgeon will then stitch the tissue that remains together. This leads to a Harmonic contour and it can also improve muscle tone in the upper arm. Sometimes the surgeon also removes extra tissue from the side of the breast; in addition, the surgeon may also perform liposuction of the area during surgery to aid the contour. The patient will probably be asleep under general anesthesia during this surgery.


The Main Causes of Flabby Arms:

  1. Aging; Collagen is the primary structural protein in our body that sustains the structure of our tendons, skin and cartilage, providing the firmness and elasticity that is reflected in our skin.


  1. Weight gain or loss.


  1. Damage due to sun exposure.


  1. Treatments for sagging skin.


  1. Hormonal Imbalance in Women.


Usually, the purpose of arm lift operation is not only to tighten the skin of the arm, but at the same time to remove the thickened fatty mass from the arm, liposuction is then difficult, especially in cases of advanced sagging, because liposuction of the arms increases the sagging at the same time.

Therefore, the most effective solution is to remove or cut as much fat as possible during the operation and to tighten the muscle tissue membrane as much as possible without compromising it.

Like any other surgery, Brachioplasty has its fair share of pros and cons that you should carefully weigh before undergoing the surgery. A highly qualified plastic surgeon will explain them to you in detail to help you make an informed decision.


The Brachioplasty (arm lift) Procedure:

The process begins with the usual tests such as diabetes, blood pressure, hepatitis C and HIV tests. Brachioplasty is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The operation takes two to three hours.

The doctor first determines the locations of the incisions in which the surgery will be performed, the incisions vary according to the desire of the patient, either inside or on the back of the arm, then the skin is incised using 'a medical scalpel, the laser is used to stop bleeding from blood vessels during the operation. The whole process is performed in the skin tissue and fat layer away from major veins or nerves responsible for movement.

Once the removal of fat and skin is complete, the surgeon proceeds with the cosmetic suturing of the arm, after making sure of its planned size before the operation.

Some cases may require the skin on the side of the body to be tightened at the same time, but this includes removing the armpit or reducing it, which affects the movement of the arms later, because the skin in the armpit has flexibility which allows him to move in all directions, so it is unlikely that doctors will agree to resort to such solutions.


Arm Liposuction:

Good candidates for arm liposuction are people who have excess subcutaneous fat on their arms and good skin quality.

Excess skin due to weight loss or thin skin lacking firmness, it is necessary to combine an arm lift to avoid having unsightly sagging skin. An incision is made under the elbow through which the surgeon insert the Vaser device to perform the liposuction.


Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) Candidates in Turkey:

  •  Candidate with visible sagging skin on upper arm.
  • Aging.
  • Adults having stable body weight.
  • Rapidly losing weight cases.
  • Patients who do not have chronic conditions that can affect their recovery following surgery.


Pre-Operative Instructions for Brachioplasty:

  • Strict smoking cessation 2 months before the operation, to reduce the risk of skin necrosis.
  • Stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatories, or oral anticoagulants within 15 days before the operation, to reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • Stopping oral contraception 1 month before the procedure, to reduce the risk of thromboembolism.
  • The weight must be stable.
  • The absence of inflammation or flaking in the armpits and arms.


Instructions before Inner Arm Lift:

  • Minimize your movements.
  • Obligation to put on medical bandages or compression bandages, if applicable.
  • Abstain from smoking for 3 weeks.
  • Pay attention to the prescribed treatments and take them on the dates indicated.
  • Do not carry anything heavy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.


Complications Associated with Brachioplasty:

As with all surgery, the arm lift carries the risk of complications that, although rare, will be discussed with the surgeon. We may mention specifically

  • Fever.
  • Infections.
  • A delay in healing.
  • The formation of a hematoma.
  • Phlebitis.
  • Necrosis.
  • Decreased sensation in this area..