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Laser Vagina Tightening in Turkey

With the recurrence of childbirth and advancing age, many women suffer from the widening of the inner wall of the vagina, or what is medically called vaginal relaxation syndrome, which directly affects the pleasure of the spouses.

The old solution was to perform a complete surgery in the vagina, meaning that it is under complete anesthesia and is used with sharp instruments and bleeding. It had many drawbacks, such as:

1) Narrowing the vagina in excess of what is necessary due to an estimated error on the part of the surgeon.

2) Not having sexual intercourse for a maximum of five to seven weeks.

3) Complications such as infections, swelling, and others.

4) Deformation of the vulva blades.

5) Nerve damage.

6) Severe pain during intercourse.

7) Skin color changes, which leads to aversion, loss of self-confidence.


Although these negatives are not a fixed result for all cases that have had vaginal stenosis surgery, many preferred not to take risks.

This prompted the corridors of medicine and medical engineering in the United States to find an alternative solution to surgery, until about 3 years ago, American research was able to employ laser technology to narrow the vagina without pain, surgery or even anesthesia.


Signs of an enlarged vagina:

1) Lack of pleasure during the intimate relationship of both parties.

2) Urinary incontinence, which is urine leakage while walking, laughing, coughing, sneezing.

3) Embarrassing sounds coming out of the vagina during intercourse.

4) An increase in vaginal secretions.

5) Lack of sexual desire.

Before going for medical intervention, a woman can practice many exercises that help to naturally narrow the vagina, such as Kegel exercises and others.


The mechanism of laser vaginal tightening sessions:

The VR PROP device is used, which consists of two machines, one of which works to support the vaginal wall, and the other works to emit laser pulses at specific frequencies to hit the uterine wall.

The laser stimulates the collagen substance behind the vaginal wall, and increases the blood flow, which leads to the stretching of the vaginal wall in a circular motion, thus narrowing the vaginal space at the same moment.

And the doctor may resort to additional treatments to enhance the result in some cases, such as PRP plasma treatments where platelets are extracted from the blood and re-pumped to stimulate collagen, as well as filler treatments.

The session lasts about 10 to 15 minutes. The device is inserted three times into the vagina, where each time the pulses are multiplied by different measurements to ensure the full expansion of the inner vagina, and the first measurement is 1 mm, the second every 3 mm and the third every 7 mm. And women may need to repeat the sessions every three years.



How many laser sessions are needed to narrow the vagina:

The patient can increase the number of sessions as desired and according to the degree of vaginal expansion in the first or second degree, the laser sessions are sufficient to narrow the vagina in Turkey. As for the third degree, you will not find a good result except by surgical intervention through the process of narrowing the vagina.

Doctors usually recommend one to three sessions, with each session separated by about a month. The degree of women's response varies according to their age. Females at a young age, approximately six months after pregnancy, can restore the size of the vagina from one session, while with age, females need to increase the number of sessions according to the advice of a gynecologist.


Advantages of laser vaginal tightening:

1) Increasing the sensitivity of the female genital organs, which provides her with better pleasure.

2) Increased desire and enjoyment of jerk.

3) Strengthen the collagen layer.

4) Increase vaginal moisture.

5) Improving the quality of secretions.

6) Revitalizing the vaginal tissue.

7) Shortening the session to only 15 minutes, and directing daily life on the same day.

8) No need for any type of anesthesia.

9) Short recovery period.


Complications of laser vaginal tightening:

1) Temporary redness of the vulva.

2) Temporary discharge.

3) The wall of the vagina is torn during childbirth because of the exaggeration in the number of sessions.

When can you return to intimacy after laser sessions to narrow the vagina:

It is possible to return to the sexual relationship after the day of the session by five days to a week, and the woman may find slight pain in my first intercourse.

4) Burns in the sensitive vagina.

5) It is not useful in some cases.


Are laser sessions painful for the vagina?

No, I was the vagina has nerve endings to feel pressure and not feel pain.


Do laser sessions affect childbirth?

There is no relationship between the narrowing of the vagina without surgery in Turkey with pregnancy, since the fertilization process takes place mainly inside the fallopian tubes, while bleaching is a process specific to the ovaries itself, and the sessions do not affect the vagina only.


Do laser sessions treat urinary incontinence?

Laser vaginal narrowing sessions have a slight effect on reducing urinary incontinence for simple cases, but for advanced cases, unfortunately, laser sessions do not represent a final solution.


Tips after laser vaginal tightening:

Stop sexual intercourse for five days to a week.
Do exercises to strengthen the pelvis.
Keeping the vagina clean.
Consult a gynecologist if I have any complications.